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It was announced last week that Joanie Laurer aka former WWE superstar Chyna and Sean Waltman aka former WWE superstar X-Pac became engaged. Now this revelation sparked my colleague the Perfect One to write a "Perfect Perception" column. Well apparently this pissed a whole bunch of people off. I can't believe the response that the column has gotten. The Outside Influence has never gotten this much traffic ever. Then a funny thing
happened, the Perfect One got the first Outside Influence hate e-mail.
Now granted we hardly get any e-mail at all so this was a big thing. I
decided that fans of Joanie Laurer and Syxx-Pac deserved their own forum
here on the Outside Influence. So the following is some of their responses
to my boss
the Perfect One. I am also going to have some comments
myself. Mine will be in italics. Enjoy. "Dear Idiot,
Sounds like a pretty informed wrestling fan right there. Here is an insight for you insiteful fans of Joanie Laurer and Sean Waltman. This is what we like to call a HEEL turn. OH COME ON!!! Are
you kidding me? Someone actually sat down and wrote this. The pending
marriage between Joanie and Sean is hilarious. This has to be the oddest
couple in wrestling since
.well ever!!! Did you even read the column?
Who is challenging the upcoming marriage? If they want to get married
then they can get married. That doesn't mean that this news isn't shocking
and makes people think weird thoughts. What is real happiness anyway?
I think that the only person that knows what happiness is Triple H. I
mean come on, he traded up
way up when he broke up with Chyna. He
is now banging Stephanie McMahon. Not only does the Game now have a hot
chick, he has something that Joanie and Sean does not. JOB SECURITY!!! "HUh! Before you diss Joanie laurer I think you should take a look in the mirror and realize how unfair nature has been to you.Or maybe take a look inside your pants. Before you write rediculuous, worthless comments like this, you should take Joanie's feelings into consideration. She's a human being too, and can sure as hell mangle you in the ring if she wanted to. I dont know who you are, but you sure did disapoint me, being so cruel and heartless...not to mention a total jackass." I will agree with you on something. Joanie could maggle both me and the Perfect One in the ring. What the hell does "mangle" mean anyway? How can you criticize the Perfect One's comments when you talk about his manhood? And then you called him not just a "jackass" but a "total jackass". Now notice that I don't know who you are either. And I am going to be nice and not reveal for identities. "Dear 'The so
called PerfectOne' Funny, I must have missed the column where he condemned the engagement of Joanie Laurer and Syxx-Pac. Nobody here at the Outside Influence really cares if they get married or not. Unless we are invited to the wedding. Then I am booking it down to Things Remembered to buy them a personalized blanket as a wedding gift. For the record I am also "intimidated by strong muscular women". Now before you all go jump on the "you can't get a woman Dan", bandwagon just remember this. I don't have a woman so it really wouldn't hurt me that much and it would not be that funny at all. Thank god the Perfect One is not a successful writer or I would be out of a job. I sat down and thought about why the Perfect One thought that Joanie and Sean are so "sickening together". I never got to finish though because I was in the bathroom taking care of some other business. Lighten up people. We don't know Sean and Joanie's personal lives and quite frankly we don't care. We are looking at their personas on television. I mean would you care about our personal lives other than what you read about on the Outside Influence. Believe me, my personal life is a lot more boring than Joanie and Sean's personal lives. Okay, well maybe Joanie's. Why do you people take this so damn seriously? This what gives wrestling fans a bad name. People think that wrestling fans believe that professional wrestling is real because of you. Well, I would like to say that Joanie Laurer and Sean Waltman are normal people. I think they deserve to be happy. I can't stand it when people talk bad about them. I don't see why they shouldn't get married. If they love each other, let them get married for goodness sake. It makes me sick when people like "The Perfect One" talk like that. I just wish Joanie and Sean the best and hope that they will be happy. Man, I really can't say anything about this one. This one really isn't that out there. The only thing I can mention is that again, nobody thinks that Joanie and Sean should not be married. Next time when you send me a letter could you please be a little upshurd so that I can have something to write about. I guess I have to end this one on a low note. L Well there you have it. These are just some of the comments from people who think that Joanie Laurer is Mother Theresa with muscles. If you would like to read more of their comments then be sure to check them out at the following webpages: http://www.geocities.com/edge3k2000/JoanieAKAChyna.html But be warned, if you are Canadian or an intelligent wrestling fan, then you will be dumber for looking at either of these sites. See you on Monday, of course we won't be seeing either Joanie Laurer or Sean Waltman on Monday. Peace Out, |
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The Outside Influence
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(World Wrestling Entertainment).